
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

New Blogger Label Clouds

OK, we return to the tutorial, of course ...... blog. Tutorials this
time I want to discuss the installation of a label or Cloud Tag Cloud
on the new template / new blogger templates.

What's the meaning of Label Cloud?
Label cloud is the installation of labels (categories) in the form of a cloud .... as a comrade see sidebar on the right side of this blog is written under the category there, there are some labels (category) that the tip indicated how the number of categories that are installed on kateori. It is a label that in general use in the blogger, if you want to slightly different, comrade can install the label cloud. With the cloud label, the label (category) will be in writing in a different font size in accordance with the number of categories in pairs, the more frequent category, the greater will also font printed.
To install the label cloud, techniques that I use this time is the fruit of the work phydeaux. Please follow the following steps:

  1. Sign in on blogger

  2. Click the Layout menu

  3. Click the Edit menu HTML

  4. Click the Download Full Template writing, and save the data. This is to guard when an error occurs in the edit template code

  5. Click the box next to the small writing Expand Widget Templates for the check.

  6. Wait some time until the process is finished

  7. Save the following code in the code between <b:skin><![CDATA[ and the code

    ]]></b:skin> , or if the store just confused on the exact code


  8. /* Label Cloud Styles

    ----------------------------------------------- */

    #labelCloud {text-align:center;font-family:arial,sans-serif;}

    #labelCloud .label-cloud li{display:inline;background-image:none !important;padding:0 5px;margin:0;vertical-align:baseline !important;border:0 !important;}

    #labelCloud ul{list-style-type:none;margin:0 auto;padding:0;}

    #labelCloud a img{border:0;display:inline;margin:0 0 0 3px;padding:0}

    #labelCloud a{text-decoration:none}

    #labelCloud a:hover{text-decoration:underline}

    #labelCloud li a{}

    #labelCloud .label-cloud {}

    #labelCloud .label-count {padding-left:0.2em;font-size:9px;color:#000}

    #labelCloud .label-cloud li:before{content:"" !important}

  9. Copy and paste the following code after the code ]]></b:skin> and before the code </head> or if the store just confused on the exact code </head>

    <script type='text/javascript'>

    // Label Cloud User Variables

    var cloudMin = 1;

    var maxFontSize = 20;

    var maxColor = [0,0,255];

    var minFontSize = 10;

    var minColor = [0,0,0];

    var lcShowCount = false;


  10. Find the following code in your template code

  11. <b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'>

    <b:includable id='main'>

    <b:if cond='data:title'>



    <div class='widget-content'>


    <b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>


    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>



    <a expr:href='data:label.url'><></a>






    <b:include name='quickedit'/>




  12. Replace the above code with the following code:

  13. <b:includable id='main'>

    <b:if cond='data:title'>



    <div class='widget-content'>

    <div id='labelCloud'/>

    <script type='text/javascript'>

    // Don't change anything past this point --------------

    // Cloud function s() ripped from

    function s(a,b,i,x){


    var m=(a-b)/Math.log(x),v=a-Math.floor(Math.log(i)*m)



    var m=(b-a)/Math.log(x),v=Math.floor(Math.log(i)*m+a)


    return v


    var c=[];

    var labelCount = new Array();

    var ts = new Object;

    <b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>

    var theName = &quot;<>&quot;;

    ts[theName] = <data:label.count/>;


    for (t in ts){

    if (!labelCount[ts[t]]){

    labelCount[ts[t]] = new Array(ts[t])



    var ta=cloudMin-1;

    tz = labelCount.length - cloudMin;

    lc2 = document.getElementById('labelCloud');

    ul = document.createElement('ul');

    ul.className = 'label-cloud';

    for(var t in ts){

    if(ts[t] &lt; cloudMin){



    for (var i=0;3 &gt; i;i++) {



    var fs = s(minFontSize,maxFontSize,ts[t]-ta,tz);

    li = document.createElement('li'); = fs+'px'; = '1';

    a = document.createElement('a');

    a.title = ts[t]+' Posts in '+t; = 'rgb('+c[0]+','+c[1]+','+c[2]+')';

    a.href = '/search/label/'+encodeURIComponent(t);

    if (lcShowCount){

    span = document.createElement('span');

    span.innerHTML = '('+ts[t]+') ';

    span.className = 'label-count';





    else {





    abnk = document.createTextNode(' ');







    <b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>


    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>



    <a expr:href='data:label.url'><></a>







    <b:include name='quickedit'/>




  14. Click the Save button templates

  15. FINISH .
Read More...“New Blogger Label Clouds”

Google Chrome Profile Backup Tool

Google Chrome Profile Backup is a simple tool that allows us to create, backup, restore and manage all the data profile on the Google Browser Chrome. This profile data is usually contains all the important information regarding personal data such as browsing history and bookmarks.

The interest from Google Chrome Backup, we can utilize this facility to set the parameters of the startup form of the provisions of chrome resizing the window, turn off popup blocker, enable cookies files and some other functions.

Without actually using the backup tool Google Chrome this we can only see the profile of this directly with manually copy all the files stored in the Documents and Settings \ username \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ chromium \ User data folders to another location, but of course these tools provide a backup method that is more easily used in addition to the display user interface that is easy to understand, too.

Complete information and how you use can read here Or If you wanna try this application you can download on here
Read More...“Google Chrome Profile Backup Tool”

Saturday, December 20, 2008

How to make large letters at the beginning of the sentence

create large letters at the beginning of the sentence may be characteristics, such as an example see the beginning of the sentence marked with the letter "M" in this article .. looks different tonight! if you want your article looks like it you can try to make it.

First, open the Edit HTML page and search your CSS code below

.post-body {

If the facts, add the code below under the code above (be sure underneath, is not among them)

.post bt {

float:left; color:





padding-right:5px; }

How to use:

When you write a page in the post make sure that the initial sentence add <bt></bt>


<bt>M</bt> embuat capitalization at the beginning of the sentence might be withdrawn thew

Read More...“How to make large letters at the beginning of the sentence”

How to Install Total Total Posts and Comments

How to plug Actually Total Total Post and comments to Blogger is that many also know, apropos many colleagues who always ask, yes, dance is about how to write

Total Posts: 206

Total Comments: 1000

How to install very easily, colleagues live copy-paste it directly under the script code and do not forget to change the blog address is marked with red.

The script for Total Posts

<script style="text/javascript">

function showpostcount(json) {

document.write('Total Posts : <b>' + parseInt(json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t,10) + '</b><br>');}</script>

<script src="http://"></script>

The script for the Total Comments

<script style="text/javascript"></script>

<script style="text/javascript">

function numberOfComments(json) {

document.write('Total Comments : <b>' + json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t + '</b><br>');}</script>

<script src="http://"></script>

Read More...“How to Install Total Total Posts and Comments”

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Free Tool - CSS Menu Generator

There are interesting info for your lovers CSS tab menu, but feel very difficult to make. now you do not think not know rollicking coding is very complicated because there are tools that are user-friedly but powerfull that you can use.

This tool called CSS Menu generator, with the CSS Menu Generator you can create a good Menu tab Menu tab Horizontal, Vertical Menu tab, or Dropdown menu tab. with very easily. You do not need berpusing raptures with CSS coding or color code, because all are provided with easy visually.

Here's a view from the front of the CSS Menu Generator

How much of that is very useful tool is this? This was to make us more happy, CSS Menu Menerator you can download for free.

Here`s The Link If you like this software Read More...“Free Tool - CSS Menu Generator”

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I come from Indonesia and read my hobby fishing. In this blog I only help to provide information that might be useful to you. Thank you for entering into my site

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