
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pixastic: Open Source Online Image Editor (Javascript Library)

You have a web programming skills and build their own interest Free Online Image Editor based on Javascript, I recommend the compulsory service Pixastic. Options on Pixastic (Beta) is in addition to the Full Open Source and its support based on Javascript, of course, I view it in terms of the completeness of the components that support the picture that it be regarded very full.

Even very Powerful application to build a professional service providers as it pictures via Online. To try a sample application that is built using Javascript Library Pixastic please click

About Pixastic

Pixastic Javascript Library that is developed by Jacob Seidelin where he has decided to release all the code (the term Open Source) to a set of libraries under the MIT license. By using a variety of the same techniques used by different applications for manipulating images, pixastic work using the HTML5 canvas element is currently only supported fully by the Web browser Firefox, Opera and Safari.

Visit Pixastic only there for more information There are also various snippets of code that shows how you use Pixastic with jQuery.

Download Pixastic | Documentation Read more
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Google's Picasa for the Mac

Google recently released Google's Picasa for the Mac machine where the previous image of desktop application is only available for Windows and Linux versions.

Mac users also can now finally enjoy the Google Picasa install directly through address / mac. For more information, please direct it to open the authorized google blog here.

Pictures taken from
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